💼 Open Source
I have lots of stuff on Github. The order here is purely random.
- dotfiles
- cdl-python-lab - resources for the Python course I sometimes teach
- guitar - I sometimes play the guitar. You don’t want to hear me.
- teme-acs - startup idea for an auction crowdfunded homework website
- book-summaries - I rarely read books, but try to keep notes
“Big” projects
- vms - volunteer management system, with a working implementation for cicvalcea
- convertor - problem used for selecting students for the 2015 ROSEdu CDL
- vilacrinilor.ro - my first website
- devnull - React client for the Escape from /dev/null contest
- new-hacker-tab - Chrome extension that shows Techmeme, Hacker News and Twitter in a new tab #procrastination
- People-Separator - my first dynamic web app written in ASP.NET MVC 3 (ol’ times)
- KITss - my first Rails app. It is a social network for alumni students.
- twoColumnQuestions - my first SPA written w/ jQuery
- bsmusic - Rails app that took Youtube videos and compiled a playlist
- InfoEducatie frontend and backend - Rebuilt the entire website in React w/ Rails
- Algorithm-Contest-Sources - sometimes I try to solve problems on InfoArena or at Google Code Jam
- vim-algorithm-project-creator - because writing 30 seconds of boilerplate is worth optimising
- codeblocks-project-creator
- homework - stuff I coded for my University
- fmi - wiki w/ tests, courses and other shit from my University
Python scrapers
Don’t know why I’ve written so many.
- acte-normative-scrapers - used for https://github.com/aptiro/acte-normative
- statistici_alegeri2014_valcea
- examstats - stats about the Romanian national exams. Failed project at a hackathon.
- crawler-arhiva-campion - http://campion.edu.ro/arhiva was one of my favorite websites
- tabulaturi.ro-crawler
- infoarena submissions
Wordpress themes
There was a point in my lifetime when I thought of myself as a designer. Yep, that was really wrong.
Small shit
- github_repo_ranking - app that counts LoC and commits for teams at a hackathon
- palcu-blogspot-theme - just a bunch of XML I tried to maintain